Tennis Talk 2022-04-28

Tennis Talk
By Wendy Ferguson & Sherry Benz

The Scholarship Tournament was held the last weekend, and 40+ hot-shots and not-so-hot-shots really enjoyed the round-robin format. Getting to play with different partners was indeed a highlight. Scores evened out due to the handicap scoring method. Court-side food was delicious, again thanks to Linda Dumont and her team. Home-made (at 4:00 AM in the morning!) scones were a highlight. Tennis players sure do enjoy their food and socializing with one another.

Speaking of food, a fabulous dinner was enjoyed that night and even the Scholarship winners were seen going back for seconds. On hand were the four student scholarship winners from Silver Creek High School, who told of their tennis victories and aspirations and goals for the coming years. You can read their essays on the Tennis Club website under the heading: Programs, Annual Scholarship. Each winner will receive $4,000 toward their college educations. Nice, eh? Stay tuned, because next week we’ll have a photo of the winners.

The Villages team of 24 players heads to Rossmoor on Saturday for our bi-annual competition. The Villages took the trophy last October, but it is always a close match and a lot of fun! Go Villages!

Peggy’s 7.0 55+ team (Glo Girls) is in the middle of the pack. Our next home game is Saturday, May 14th. Come down to the courts and be our cheerleaders! We need you against these youngsters!

Don’t miss the Spring Fling scheduled for Sunday, May 15th at 5:30 at the Clubhouse. This new event is open to Tennis Club members and their guests. There will be international food stations (Mexican, Italian, Asian), a salad bar and desserts. Our DJ will provide music for listening and dancing. Bonus … our own Lolivic Shaw will teach us a line dance! The cost is $30/person. Register on our website or contact Joy Rem 818-620-7642 or jkr1787@gmail.

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