Tennis Talk 2022-05-19

Tennis Talk
By Sherry Benz

Tina Parsley thinks the Villages is the best kept secret and we are very glad she found it! Tina moved here 4 years ago and has been a great addition to the Tennis Club, playing regularly and serving as our Treasurer for 2022. What qualifies Tina for this job? In addition to working multiple jobs as an executive secretary and office manager, Tina was a Girl Scout leader for her two daughters’ troops from kindergarten through high school and was in charge of the cookie money! Ask no more!

Tina is an Ohio State Buckeye fan, born and raised in Columbus. She played tennis with her family as a child. It was typical to spend weekends at their tennis club. In High School, she played on the boys’ team although she is quick to say it wasn’t about ability. She was part of the marching band which was active during the girls’ tennis season, so Tina and three other girl “bandies” were allowed to play with the boys. She is quick to say she has been inspired by some of our “seasoned” tennis players here at the Villages and hopes to be just like them. With her energy and enthusiasm, there will be no stopping her!

In the late 1980’s, Tina was the youngest business owner in Columbus where she and a business partner opened Bellissimo Flowers. She describes owning this trendy flower shop as one of the most wonderful times in her life. She learned floral design and expanded her knowledge about soils, plants, bugs and natural products. She is adverse to using chemicals that pollute the land and water and loves that California has a strong bent toward organic farming. Tina has a vegetable garden at the top of the hill and a home patio filled with native plants and colorful flowers.

As part of her love for flowers and plants, Tina serves at the Villages as an event coordinator for FLAG (Floral Ladies Arranging Guild). If you are an owner of a black thumb like me, maybe she has a hint or two!

What’s coming up in the Tennis Club? Watch your email for information on the Bocce & BBQ (June 5th 3:00PM) and the Mixer Tournament (July 15th 4:00PM) or access registration through the website: You won’t want to miss either event!!!

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