Tennis Talk 2022-06-30

The Tennis Club welcomes our 2022 new members: Sandra Adams, Chandra Bhople, Daniel Biondi, Istvan Boszormenyi, Abe Chen , Jayme Dickson, Lila Esfahani, Brett Foreman, Monica Frazier, Peter Groot, Steve Hollard, Surander Loomba, Gene Mariani, Shirley Mariani, Susanna Wagner, and Marianne Wojcik. Our Club is growing and now has 252 active members.

The skill level of these members range from tennis professional to Jump Start participants who have never played the sport. They would love to meet you on the court and, rest assured, there are benefits to playing with an experienced player and benefits to playing with a beginner. Be courageous and try both!

We can all learn by playing with an experienced player, especially someone who understands the game and is genuinely interested in seeing you improve. They can offer valuable advice (when asked!), model good skills and court positioning, and be gentle and encouraging.

Sometimes people avoid playing with beginners, but it is important to remember that every expert was a beginner at one point. Playing with beginners helps them learn but, more importantly, helps them develop a love for the game through your acceptance and encouragement. Your chance to be a meaningful mentor.

Making of a champion … Gail Tuft with grandson, Clayton


The contact information for all members is available on the “Our Courts” website. Give someone a call!

And, we don’t want to forget our new social members who want to participate in the endless Tennis Club fun!: Sarah Allen, Barbara Clurman, Robert Diaz, Mary Lou Guzman, Todd Horvatich, Debbie Keys, Marilee Kline, Doug Koenig, Janet Knapp, Ravi Krishnaswami, Lois Locatelli, Patrick McMordie, Katy Obringer, Rohini Ravi, Lee Rye, and Sarah Yang. Welcome social members … you number 56 and we love socializing with you.

Congratulations to Phyllis’ 4.0 USTA team. They made it to playoffs! Stay tuned for the schedule.

Hope you all come out for the Tennis Club Mixer, scheduled for July 15th at 4:00PM. Contact Helen Varenkamp for information ( or 408-622-6882) and watch your emails for registration.

It’s not too early to mark your calendars for our annual Golf Tournament on August 14th

Making of a champion … Gail Tuft with grandson, Clayton

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