Tennis Talk 2022/09/15

By Sherry Benz

Randy Shaw

Meet Randy Shaw, our Tennis Club Vice President. Randy stepped up to fill an unexpected vacancy on our Board. He claims he was told that his only responsibility as VP was to organize the Rossmoor Tournaments. It wasn’t until a month later that he understood he would be serving as President the following year! Despite the surprise, he says that he is looking forward to serving our Club.

Randy is an Ohio native. He received his education in marketing from Miami University. His business career took him into finance and relocated him to California. He retired as CFO of Fujitsu Media Devices. His job took him to Japan frequently and he spent time in the Philippines where he met his wife, Lolivic. They have celebrated their 6th anniversary.

Randy played a little tennis (1-2x/year) while growing up. He met Brett Forman, our Villages Pro, in 2018 and took a few lessons. When he moved to the Villages in 2019, Randy joined the Jump Start program and can now be found on the courts 5-6x/week. He says the hardest shot for him is one that requires him to move … can’t we relate?!

Randy and Lolivic love live music and live theater. They make a point to attend festivals including the SJ Jazz festival and Niagra on the Lake (Canada). They also love to travel and have a time-share in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico where they head out fishing with friends. Randy confesses that Lolivic typically catches more and bigger fish! They have a tradition of providing their catch to a local restaurant which, in turn, prepares multiple dishes using the fresh fish. Randy does most of the cooking in their household and boasts about a mean linguini and clams dish. He makes a big pot of chili (carefully noting it is filled with meat and no beans) on New Year’s. It’s his birthday and he loves to have friends drop by for a taste. Mark your calendar!

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