Tennis Talk 12/29/2022
By Phyllis Mueller
Santa Visits The Villages
Hey Santa, tell me about a favorite visit of yours? “Sure Virginia, that is easy. There is a very special community called THE VILLAGES in San Jose, California, that is the perfect pit stop for my reindeers. They love to chat with their deer cousins while I distribute gifts. This retirement gated community was started in 1967 on 1,200 acres with over 4,000 residents over 55. They all seem so happy and wave to each other all the time. The have a ton of activities like Pickleball, Bocce, Swimming, Dancing, Singing, Exercise Groups, Hiking, and the one group that I met that day, Tennis Ladies.
The Villages Tennis Club was organized in 1972 and only had two ladies that could play on their 2 courts, so they taught two more how to play and had their first foursome! They now have 6 courts available for all Villagers. I found some tennis ladies in uniforms having their picture taken. They were celebrating their USTA League win and planning to have their playoffs in Fresno. I told them to be sure and eat some raisins there! They invited me to be in their photo and I was delighted even though I did not have on tennis shoes! They explained how active this Villages Tennis Club is and even give Scholarships to a local High School tennis team! Many close friendships are made while hitting that little yellow ball. This club even helps rusty players return to the game with lessons called, Jump Start.
What a great visit I had several years ago and my Reindeer insist I make this a regular pit stop! So you might see me again and I wish you and yours many HAPPY HOLIDAYS.”