Tennis Talk 2023-02-17
By Betty Olsen
Roy Pennington is bringing his Albuquerque Tennis Club experience to our Villages TC starting March 1st. If you recall, at our Christmas holiday party, Roy explained Team Tennis amongst our own club and some 40 players were interested and signed-up. Since then additional sign-ups brought the total to 81 members interested and ready to play.
Roy, Jim Murphy and Peggy Seidel formed the committee to separate the 81 players into approximate categories so that each team would have members with a variety of abilities and matches would between equal abilities. Six women were asked to captain this first Team Tennis schedule.
On Thursday, February 2, the 6 captains plus the Team Tennis committee met to choose teams. The team captains are:
#1. Akiko Giordono . #2. Betty Olsen #3. Sherry Benz #4. Julie Hawkinson #5,. Joy Rem #6. Suzi Hathaway
Each match will consist of 6 players: #1 – A man + A woman, #2. A man or woman + B man or woman, #3. B man + B woman.
Villages Tennis League schedule is from March 1 – April 27. Mark your calendars and come out to cheer on the players. We may even schedule a playoff.