Open House Report

TT 4/14/2023
By Betty Olsen

Well the rains stayed away and the sun finally came out and the postponed Tennis Club Open House finally happened Tuesday, April 4.  All Villagers were invited to experience meeting club members, trying out demo racquets with the ball machine and participating in the drills and thrills run by tennis pro Brett Foreman and his member helpers.
 Villagers signed-up for the club’s Jump Start program that begins Tuesday, April11 at 5:00-6:00pm.  The Jump Start program is free and runs for 10 weeks run by Mike and Gail Tuft and their helpers.  The program is for “rusties” to get back into the game and take advantage of our 6 beautiful tennis courts.  Questions about the program email Sherry Benz, the conclusion of the court activities, strawberry shortcake with whip cream was served and raffle prizes were given out to those who registered and held the lucky numbers. _____________________________________________________________________________For our next tennis club activity, mark your calendars and be sure to sign up for the Tennis Club’s Scholarship events on Saturday, April 29.The “handicap” Tournament starts at 8:30 AM. You’ll play with three different partners on 3 different courts. It sounds crazy, we know, and it’s crazy good fun. Following the crazy tennis tournament, there will be a catered Mexican Dinner that includes margaritas or beer and starts at 5:30 PM at Foothill. You’ll meet and hear from the Silver Creek High Scholarship winners and have a chance at the now famous Wine Locker. The evening promises to be a lot of fun. So be sure to sign up for both events.