Golf Tournament Results

Tennis Talk
By Sherry Benz

Sunday saw the Tennis Club out on the golf course trying to understand why it was so much harder to hit a stationary ball than one that is traveling at the speed of light.  The format was a “step aside scramble” where you chose the best ball of the group for each shot and each person hits from that position except the player whose ball was chosen – he/she must “step aside”.  There were some bright spots:

  • Low net for 18 holes:  Cheryl Heusser, Jay Pinson, Roy & Kathy Pennington
  • Low net for 9 holes:  Sherry Benz, Dennis Cullen, Donna Quartaro, Marty Funcell
  • Closest to the pin #4: Cheryl Heusser for the women – Vince Alvarez for the men.

Allow bragging rights … Donna drove the green on #6, Sherry put in a 12’ birdie putt – girl power!  Prizes were given for the winners and lots more by random draw.  Thanks to Scott Steele for donating a couple of baskets of range balls … some of us need it more than others!

The food was fabulous … tostado shells with all the fixin’s. Thanks to my co-chairs, Jayme and Lynn Dickson for a great job.  It’s never too late to have fun!

Get ready … VTL (Villages Tennis League) is coming back in October!  Remember how we met and played with other Club members, some we had never been on a court with.  It was (mostly) friendly competition and a lot of fun.  The play will be mixed doubles and most matches will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays with only a couple of weekend matches to include our working players  Thanks to Roy, Peggy and Jim for “herding” this group.  Sign up … and make a new friend!

18-hole winners Cheryl Heusser, Jay Pinson, Kathy and Roy Pennington (not pictured)
Partying after the round: Barry Stein, Mary Jo O’Neill, Lynn Dickson, Jayme Dickson. Tony Loiacono