2024 Slate of O’s…sounds important!

By Peggy Siedel for Publication 10/27/2023

2024 Slate of Officers

In accordance with the Tennis Club bylaws, the nominating committee appointed by President Randy Shaw would like to present this slate of officers for the year 2024:

President: Ruth Domingo-Liu
Vice President: Gene MarianiSecretary: Roy PenningtonTreasurer: Tina Parsley

Hospitality Directors: Nancy Domingo and Andrea Alvarez (1 vote by either) Communications Director: Don ClarkeMembership Director: Cheryl DiltzCourt Manager: Marty Funcell

Master Scheduler: Akiko Giordono

Tournament Director: Karen Hillis

These candidates will be voted upon at our Annual Meeting to be held in the VGCC Clubhouse on Sunday evening December 3, 2023.

Previously elected board member is past president Randy Shaw.

To reach a total of 13 voting members on the board, 2 Members-at-Large will be appointed by Ruth as president-elect. They will be selected before the first meeting of the board on the fourth Tuesday of January, 2024.

Nominating Committee: Peggy Seidel, Akiko Giordono, and Brian Dombrowski