Tennis Talk
By Roy Pennington and Betty Olsen
Benz Wins
The Villages Tennis League (VTL) concluded it’s spring session on May 1. With a record of five wins and four losses, the team captained by Sherry Benz was victorious in the four-team league. Sherry’s team members included Suzi Hathaway, Cheryl Heusser, Shirley Mariani, Gail Tuft, Vince Alvarez, Michael Clurman, Mike Falarski, Brett Foreman, Tim Keys, Josh Liao, Chuck Moss, and Amit Seth.
Sherry elected to not have an official team name, but the other teams dubbed her team the Benz Boozers. Some of the other names that were frequently heard around the courts are not fit for print. That’s the price winners pay.
The other three teams were captained by Roy Pennington, team 1, Betty Olsen, team 2 named Deuce, and Jim Murphy, team 3.
After eight weeks of mixed doubles, all four teams filled the courts on the last day of play. It was a warm afternoon, and the tennis was intense. At the completion of all the matches, the players gathered in the tennis viewing area and enjoyed a social gathering with potluck abundance of food. At that time, winning and losing was no longer important.
The league is looking forward to commencing play again in the fall. Registration information will be forthcoming. STAY TUNED for the VTL fall schedule.
Betty could not find photos from May 1 final VTL party, but would like to include photos from the Scholarship tournament on April 27. Eight former scholarship winners as far back as 2008 attended the tournament and each spoke of their appreciation to the Village Tennis Club.