Your Calendars…Get ‘Em Out!!!

Tennis Talk
By Betty Olsen

Get your calendars out to put on upcoming tennis activities dates.  There is a lot of planning going on for 2025.

The women’s USTA 65+ 7.0 team starts with their first home match on Friday, February 7, at 10:45am, so come down to cheer them on.  Their home match schedule is:
Friday, February 7 at 10:45
Wednesday, February 19 at 10:45
Monday, February 24 at 10:45
Wednesday, March 5 at 10:45
Friday, March 28 at 10:45

The annual Prescott tournament, honoring longtime tennis member Phil Prescott is a charity event for our VMA and is scheduled for Saturday, March 15
Any questions, contact Randy Shaw., chairman, 408-505-2130 or

Also, the VTL (Villages Tennis League) is forming.  Please fill out the registration form sent to your email to participate.  All levels are included, and matches will be mixed doubles only, starting mid-March through mid-May.

The annual Tennis Club Open House and Jump Start lessons is Tuesday, March 25

Brett Foreman is planning to form a Men’s USTA 55+ 7.0 team.  If interested, please contact Brett at 408-509-5011 or  Matches are weekdays after work or weekends.

And finally, Liz Kung is wanting to form a Women’s USTA 55+ 7.0 team.  If interested, please contact Liz at 408-605-6205 or lvktennis@

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