Tennis Talk 2022-03-24

Tennis Club Open House – All Villagers Invited

By Sherry Benz

The fun is just beginning! Thanks to Mary & Gerhart Ringel for putting together a delightful Double-Double Switch format for the Prescott tournament. There were 48 players and everyone got to play with 5 different partners! Proceeds from the entry fee and from donations went to the VMA in honor of Phil Prescott. Top winners were Brett Foreman and Brian Dombrowski. Congratulations!

Coming up next is the Tennis Club Open House scheduled for Tuesday, March 29th 1:00-3:00 PM. This event is open to ALL Villagers. Tennis Professional, Brett Foreman, will host the program. Brett has planned “drills, skills and thrills”. There will also be some of the newest racquets for you to demo … come shod in tennis shoes for “on the court” fun. You won’t want to miss our traditional strawberry shortcake and prizes as well!!! All free of charge. Looking forward to seeing you at the courts! Questions? Contact: Karen Hillis 209-602-4388 or Harry Soin 408-315-0855

Did you once play tennis, but feel a bit “rusty”. You aren’t too old to dust off those skills you held long ago. Jump Start is the program for you! Jump Start kicks off at the Tennis Club Open House and will meet on subsequent Tuesday afternoons at 5:00-6:00 PM for 10 weeks. Our outstanding coaches include Mike & Gail Tuft, Peggy Seidel, Roy Pennington and Jim Murphy. They are anxious to meet you! The program will include basic strokes, ball machine work, and court play. Just show up! Racquets available. No charge to participants! Questions: Sherry Benz 408-887-5497 or

Wow! Ken Kline’s USTA M65 3.5 team has come in first place … a first for our men since 2007! They will be in a playoff match 3/23 and we wish them a win. Team members are Jim Ferguson, Emil Pisarri, Steve Olsen, Ken Kline, Ken Keck, Mike Actman, Brian Dombrowski, Ken Leong, Mike Tuft, Kel Saito and Ernie Wong. You have made us proud!

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