Meet VP Ruth Domingo Liu

TT 4-7-2023
By Betty Olsen

Meet our new vice-president of the Tennis Club.  Her name is Ruth Domingo Liu and she was born and raised in San Jose, a hometown girl.  She went to Overfelt High and graduated from San Jose State majoring in business.

Ruth has had a varied career in business, but found her specialty in HR.  When she and Robert moved to the villages in 2021, she was retired, but when sister Nancy Domingo, a Special Ed teacher, said “Help, education needs people who care,” Ruth answered the call.  Ruth admits she was getting bored in retirement.  So now Ruth works at Evergreen College in the HR department full time.  She admits the ten minute commute was enticing and she was hired in one day!Ruth is from a family of seven, 3 girls and 4 boys.  Her family’s story is one of many immigration stories.  Her Pilipino father came to the US at age 16, worked hard  and was able to purchase a house.  He then traveled to the Philippines to find a bride.  He was successful and  returned to San Jose to raise 7 children in that house, Ruth being the oldest.  As the oldest, Ruth  was given early responsibility and remembers standing on a stool in the kitchen helping her mother probably at age 5.Ruth recently returned from a European birthday trip with family and friends to Paris and Barcelona.  She traveled with a group of 10!  What an organization feat that must have been!I asked Ruth when she started tennis and she said she and sister Nancy were on their high school team along with close friend Mila who is often seen on the village courts.  I believe Ruth and Nancy were part of our Rusty Jump Start program.We are lucky to have her as our VP.                                                                                                                                      And don’t forget the upcoming Scholarship Tournament and dinner Saturday, April 29 at Foothill.  Please mark your calendars and watch for more information in the Villager and Fast Lane.