Tennis Talk
By Peggy Seidel:
September is the month for our Tennis Club President to select a three person nominating committee to find Tennis Club members willing to take a position on the Board of Directors for the next year. The nominating committee for next year’s directors picked by President Randy Shaw consists of Peggy Seidel, Brian Dombrowski and Akiko Giordono. These three have already met and worked to fill the open positions for 2024. The whole slate of officers, including our Vice President Ruth Domingo-Liu, who will become our President in December at the annual meeting, will be announced later in October or November. If any TC member would like to be considered for a role on the board next year there is a process for self-nomination in our Bylaws (which you can find under the menu “Rules” on our website, I quote Article VIIC here:
“Any regular member may nominate any regular member as a candidate for any elective office by presenting the nomination in writing to the President no less than 35 days prior to the Annual Meeting. This nomination must be accompanied by the candidate’s written acceptance, and must be signed by five regular Tennis Club members declaring their support for the nomination.”
35 days prior to our annual meeting will be October 30.
I hope you all enjoyed the Women’s and Men’s Doubles club tournament and the Sunday night Awards Dinner. Results of the tournament will be in Tennis Talk next week.
Next club activity will be on Saturday, October 21 against Rossmoor here at the Villages. Come on down to the viewing stand and cheer on your team.