
Tennis Club Board Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 7:00 PM

Cribari Center- Patio Room

Welcome: Ruth Liu

Approval of last Executive Board Meeting Minutes-November and December General Meeting

Recognition of Current and Incoming Directors

· Communications- Don Clarke

· Court Manager- Marty Funcell

· Members at large- Jayme Dickson and Lolivic Shaw

· Membership- Cheryl Diltz

· Treasurer- Tina Parsley

· Master Scheduler-

· Social/Hospitality- Nancy Domingo and Andrea Alvarez

· Tournaments- Karen Hillis


Director’s Reports:

· Communications- Don Clarke

· Court Manager- Marty Funcell (out of town today)

· Members at large- Jayme Dickson and Lolivic Shaw

· Membership- Cheryl Diltz

· Treasurer- Tina Parsley

· Master Scheduler-

· Social/Hospitality- Nancy Domingo and Andrea Alvarez

· Tournaments- Karen Hillis


Old Business

  1. Rossmoor-Gene-we have a date. Away tournament will take place on Saturday, April 20, 2024

  2. VTL update- Roy

  3. USTA update-Peggy and Phyllis


New Business

  1. Master Scheduler has been identified and needs board approval of Lynn Dickson

  2. Scholarship Foundation -Looking for team to take on and volunteer to keep this going.

  3. Looking for club members to chair and volunteer help for all our events.

  4. The Pickle Ball Club is asking to utilize courts 5&6 on April 6, 2024, from 9-1pm. Needs board approval.

  5. Inventory for shed items.

  6. The address for Tennis courts has been identified as 2500 Fairway Dr. Thank you, Peggy.

  7. Location of first aid kits