Rossmoor, VTL, & Scholarship News

TT submitted on 4/25 for publication on 5/3.

By Wendy Ferguson

It was a beautiful day on Saturday when Villagers journeyed to Rossmoor in Walnut Creek for the annual away match between the two teams. And the good guys and gals WON! However, the results were very close, and it came down to the last hard-fought match. It was a good thing the players didn’t know that! The Villages won 11 sets to 10. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful lunch that day, an added bonus.

Meanwhile, back at home, the Villages Tennis League (VTL) is winding down. Roy Pennington writes that VTL is a mixed doubles tennis league that combines competitive, social, and sometimes humorous tennis all in one package. Due to the league structure, at times spouses can be on different teams which ordinarily presents no issues. But when they are on the same court and opposite sides of the net their relationship can be a little strained. Just ask Andrea and Vince Alvarez. While both are very good players and enjoy the game and it’s social activities, all of us (except for Andrea) recognize that Vince may be a little better. Such is not the case with their culinary skills. Vince will be the first to say that Andrea is an outstanding chef, and Vince is quick to praise Andrea and every dish she prepares. As a result, Vince has discovered that losing at tennis may be better than repeatedly facing left-overs for dinner. Vince says that after all these years he has been so lucky, and it really has been a win for him.

Did you see that the Tennis Club Scholarship landed in Sal Pizarro’s column in the Mercury News? I hope you had a chance to read it. And I also hope you had a chance to meet some of the former winners who were honored at the Scholarship Tournament last Saturday morning. That evening, four of this year’s winners talked about their hopes and aspirations. One winner asked if it was OK if he wore a suit that night. Why you ask? Well, after a brief appearance, they all dashed off to the Prom. Three of the four 2024 winners are shown here.


Kiana Nguyễn is going to De Anza to study Engineering. Kate Duong, majoring in Biochem/Molecular Biology will attend UC Davis and Kabir Rakish is on to, you guessed it, Cornell for computer science.