Tennis Talk 03-18-21

TENNIS TALK 03-18-21


By Roy Pennington

You may recall that a previous article on tennis attire focused on a feather and hoodie. We promised that there would be more to follow on this topic, and here it is. This issue will be more suited to The Villagers as it is about style and class (or maybe not). The Villages ladies (and even some gentlemen) that grace the tennis courts appear to have just stepped out of a Tennis Magazine ad as they are dressed in the latest styles and colors. This is true of the doubles team of Camille Hoffman and Phyllis Seeger. From head to toe, they frequently sport the latest in fashions. That is why it was so shocking to see Camille and her mixed doubles partner, Stan Evert, arrive for a club championship match decked out in camouflage outfits. It was assumed their strategy was to hide their shots from their opponents, achieve and celebrate a quick victory, and then make a rapid exit to go duck hunting. We don’t remember if they won their match or bagged their limit. It really does not matter as they were stylin’ (sic).When votes were counted for our male clothing model, it came to a runoff between Mike Tuft and Steve Olsen. No winner yet as votes are still being counted. Well let’s look at each. Mike always looks nattily attired and has a tennis game to match. Some months ago we heard his wife, Gail, remark, “Mike always looks good in his tennis clothes”. The other ladies in the viewing area were quick to agree. The word is out that Gail routinely chooses Mike’s clothes, and many comment that she actually dresses him. As most of us know, he was also the most recent Villages golf champion. Wow! What can one say about a guy that excels at golf, tennis, and admired by all the ladies. He does not leave much for the rest of us. Do you think he even cares?BUT, not so fast. No one is more colorful in their attire than Steve Olsen. He is always smartly adorned in matching outfits including his shoes and French Foreign Legion caps. Whether it is optic orange, vivid green, or baby blue, he is easily recognized. It is unknown if Steve is capable of dressing himself. We will report on this another time when our spies gather more information. Ok, this is the second article in the series about tennis attire. You will be relieved to know that there is not a third.

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