Tennis Talk 2022-04-07

Tennis Talk
By Wendy Ferguson

A wee bit of Tennis Club history. 2022 marks the 18th year that the Villages Tennis Club has provided scholarships that have helped 42 Silver Creek High School seniors with tuition and books to further their education. The students are tennis players as well, so we have a lot in common. This year the Scholarship Committee, co-chaired by Phyllis Seeger and Wendy Ferguson, will award four scholarships of $4,000 each to deserving seniors.

The Scholarship Tournament will be held on Saturday April 23rd. A fun-filled day has been planned for you including a really mixed-up, crazy handicap tournament plus a delicious Mexican dinner to top it all off. The tournament is designed so you will get a new partner every round and the “handicap” scoring evens out play. All levels of player are encouraged to sign up.

During a catered Mexican dinner that evening, you’ll have an added bonus of meeting the 2022 scholarship winners and hearing first-hand about their tennis experiences and their college plans.

New this year is a live auction. Included are three different vacation get-a ways, a golf package, and a fabulous food lovers’ package for restaurants, markets, and more. And speaking of a bonus, one is due to the person who wins a locker full of fine wines. All proceeds from the tournament and dinner go toward the scholarships.

Check your email In-Box and sign-up for these events, or contact Jim Ferguson (tennis) or Melinda Dobbs  (dinner) to assure your place as the fun fills up fast.

Speaking of filling up, folks who came to the Tennis Club Open House filled up on delicious strawberry shortcake that was provided by Linda Dumont and her committee. The Open House was a huge success. Tennis Pro, Brett Forman, delighted players with his drills, skills, and thrills. All levels of tennis players pranced, zigged, and zagged on the courts. And all this fun thanks to TC planners Karen Hillis and Harry Soin.

By the way, speaking of drills, if your tennis skills are “rusty”, join our Jump Start program held on Tuesday afternoons at 5:00 PM. The Tennis Club’s coaches are there to tune you up and provide skills for improvement, as well as fun for all.  Questions:  Sherry Benz (

The Villages Women’s 55+ 7.0 USTA team played a tough match against San Jose Swim and Racket and lost 1-2. Joni Mahoney and Sherry Benz won in straight sets. The team’s next home match is on April 9 at 10:45 AM.

Save the date!  The Spring Fling is set for May 15th.  Watch for details and plan to join us for a meal of international food and dancing.

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