Tennis Talk 2022-04-21

By Wendy Ferguson

Bored with nothing to do? Mosey on down to the courts to watch the annual Scholarship Tournament this Saturday morning. You’ll be entertained, for sure and certainly you’ll have some rollicking good fun, either playing in the tournament or watching others play. It all starts at 8:30 with men’s doubles and 10:30 with women’s doubles. The format is round-robin with handicap scoring, which evens out play. And, if you’ve worked up an appetite either playing or watching, Linda Dumont and her committee are sure to provide delicious court-side delicacies.

Tennis players are a fun group, and even more fun is in store for all those who signed up for Saturday night’s catered Mexican Feast. The dinner, of course, will be wonderful as Betty Olsen and Adele Ratcliff and their dedicated committee are festively preparing for your dining pleasure. The Scholarship winners will be wowed by the festivities and will share plans about their upcoming educational endeavors. Then the rowdy auction happens with auctioneer extraordinaire, Adrien Fournier, who plans to entertain folks as well as raise funds for scholarships. Finally, the piece de resistance (accents missing): the wine locker will go home with a lucky wine connoisseur. All of the proceeds go directly toward the scholarships.

Much of the scholarship money is raised by direct cash contributions from donors, as well as by the auction held during Saturday’s dinner. Items are generously donated by establishments such as The Villages Golf Shop and the Clubhouse, as well as our own Tennis Club members. Also, other businesses and individuals in our community provide auction items.

So much to do and so little time, what with Easter, Mother’s Day, and graduation around the corner, as well as Jump Start and Rusties, Rossmoor, and Spring Fling just a hop, skip, and jump away.

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