Tennis Talk 2022-05-05

Tennis Talk
By Wendy Ferguson

If you didn’t go to the Scholarship Dinner last Saturday, we missed you. The folks attending had a rollicking good time. Our much-anticipated auction was MCed by Adrien Fournier and his side-kick, Jim Ferguson. Jim, by the way, had just tallied the winners from the tournament held that morning. The meal, as anticipated, was outstanding. On hand were the four student scholarship winners from Silver Creek High School, who told of their tennis victories, aspirations and goals for the coming years. They were outstanding students with high GPAs. You can read their essays on the Tennis Club web site under the heading: Programs, Annual Scholarship.

The following excerpts are from their essays. Lauren Vo says “Joining my school’s tennis team is one of the best decisions I have made. I am so thankful for my amazing coach and teammates who have supported me. Tennis has also helped me to lead my Science Olympiad team to the state competition.” Meghana Damojipurapu states “As varsity singles #1 for four years and captain for two, I learned a lot of valuable lessons in my time at Silver Creek that I plan to take with me to college tennis. My time at Silver Creek has given me the opportunity to play the sport I love while growing as a leader.” Alice Zang wrote “I have learned many valuable lessons from participating on this team that I will take with me in my future endeavors. Trying my best and never giving up until the end was also something I learned and applied to daily life.” And finally, Andrew Nguyễn states “It was the 4 years of playing varsity tennis at Silver Creek that showed me how competitive tennis could get… gaining confidence in myself and trusting my own ability to make the choices I feel are best have made me the man I am today.”

The Tennis Scholarship Committee thanks all those who contributed to the Scholarships this year. Your generosity enabled the four young people to win $4,000 each in scholarships.

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