Tennis Talk 2022-05-26

Tennis Talk
By Sherry Benz

Spring Fling! What a fun time for the Tennis Club and their guests!

The committee, made up of Joy Rem, Sherry Benz, Nancy Domingo and Ruth Lui (with help from Peggy Seidel and Mary/Gerhard Ringel) had a great time putting on this exciting event. Dancing was a main draw. Edna, an awarded instructor with partner, Nelson, started us off with Cha-Cha instructions. Flashy, quick and beautiful, we took to the dance floor with just the right amount of swagger. The Cha-Cha was followed with a line dance led by our own Lolivic Shaw (does that girl ever get tired?!). We tried to keep up, yet some of us had more than one left foot!

The decorations were exceptional including the Spring flowers at each table, generously donated by Nancy and Ruth, and a lucky person at each table was able to take them home. International cuisine was served from several food stations and the flag decorations reminded us that we are all a part of a greater world.

Don’t miss the Bocce & BBQ event on June 5th 3:00-8:00PM at Gazebo Park. The menu sounds delicious (salmon, steak, or veggie burger) along with appetizers, salads, and a yummy Haagen Dazz ice cream bar. The cost is a bargain at $20/person for Tennis Club members and $25/person for guests. Deadline for reservations is May 31st. Sign up on the website or contact Donna Gilmour

Next up is the Mixer Tournament scheduled for Friday, July 15th at 4:00PM. Watch your emails for information and registration for this fun event.

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