Tennis Talk 2022-06-16

Tennis Talk
by: Donna Gilmour and Howie Blumstein

The Tennis Club hosted its 13th annual Bocce Barbecue Bash on June 5th. This event was for all Tennis Club members, but especially for social members who do not play tennis any longer. Everyone had a good time socializing, playing bocce and enjoying appetizers and meals prepared by our BBQ galore team of Emil Pisarri, Brian Dombrowski and Glen Seidel. Art Lind, a long time Tennis Club member sent his personal thanks to the BBQ team for a successful event, indicating the salmon was done to perfection and the food was organized for easy access and a job well done!

The bocce courts were buzzing with laughter, fun and competitive play too, but players took a break for the General Meeting conducted by Tennis Club President Peggy Seidel. Peggy welcomed everyone and discussed the survey recently sent to members for input about the annual holiday party, volunteering, tournaments and other topics.

The committee behind this event included Donna Gilmour, Barbara Moore, Lolivic Shaw, Nancy Spisar, Howie Blumstein and our events advisor, Linda Dumont who met several months ago to publicize and plan the event. The culmination of the committee’s efforts brought an afternoon enjoyed by over 90 attendees. Attendees received a raffle ticket for a drawing for one of 5 Villages gift cards that was very popular too!

This event would not have been successful without volunteers helping as bocce coordinators, greeters, photographers, servers, announcers, music, setup and cleanup. Sherry Benz, Aurelia Contento, Phyllis Mueller, Tina Parsley, Kathy Pennington, Mary Ringel, Brett Foreman, Adrien Fournier, Marty Funcell, Todd Horvatich, Tim Keys, Clayton Krinard, Tony Orlando, Gerhard Ringel, Bob Semple, Randy Shaw are extended a BIG thank you!

The next Tennis Club event is the Mixer Tournament on Friday July 15. Look for emails about this fun event in the next few weeks!

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